Sunday, May 23

Been a week...

Let's see.  The Dayton guild was FANTASTIC... tons of fun and really learned a lot.  The crew was just great, and I really got into the bead making.  I have made a few since I have been home that I need to share.   Have to get the camera fixed to post those and the earrings I made for Jessi's birthday.

This week was getting Mickey Mouse his new home.  Mickey is now firmly entrenched in the garden.  It is more than just a tilled piece of back yard.  I have the water going on it now.  It has lettuce, carrots, beets, zucchni, pole beans, sunflowers and corn.  There is a spot for watermelon and tomatoes, which I need to pick up later today.  I am a bit beat and want to blast some things in WOW. :)  Bobbi is going to try and solo Gnomergon (sp) while Mickey enjoys the shower.

I travel to Chicago this week, and really think it could be fun. :)

Saturday, May 15

The things we do for our craft...

It is early, earlier than I get up for work.  I was up until 1am last night making some beads out of scrap clay for the Dayton Guild meeting this morning. :)  We are suppose to bring beads we have made that we don't like.  I didn't have any that I could find, so I mushed together last night a ton of beads out of scrap clay - and some of them I like, but others weren't as nice.  I am taking them along with the air dry polymer roses - maybe the ladies will like them.  I have to get going, shower, meds and then out the door... to drive to Dayton for the meeting.

The things we do for fun. :)  I will post pictures of my beads when I get back.


Sunday, May 9

Happy Mother's Day...

Today has been pretty good.  Had breakfast with Jessi, Chenoa and Steve this morning and played with clay again today.

I gave Jessi a pair of earrings I made yesterday, and she seemed to like them.  I will post a pict when I can get one. :)  They were purple heartlike shapes with silver ball.

Totally been stuck in World Of Warcraft.  Bobbi is climbing the ranks, just is currently 60.  After I get her up there, then will come Mercodis my warlock.

Mom also received her pins Friday - all is much better.

Wednesday, May 5

Missing Ladies found!!!

We still don't know why, but the post office changed the zip code and the ladies bounced around a bit and now are back home safe with me.  Whew!  So, I am excited, and Mom can't wait until I send them to her - they will become a mother's day present I hope.

Chenoa and I were out on the back porch tonight, and she made my day.  She looked up at the sky and said she made a wish.  "I wish to spend more time with you Uncle Chris."  That just makes you feel all warm inside!  I told her I made one also, "I want to be a happy as she is, always."
Well, I am off to bed - read a few blog posts out there before bed.  Love the Polka Dot Cottage!  Lisa has such lovely work, I am impressed with it.  Take a look yourself and see what I mean...
